our services
Legionella risk assessments
Periodic sampling of water from taps, shower heads and other various water outlets are carried out at a variety of hotels, health care facilities and factories in order to determine legionella levels and other microbiological and chemical parameters in domestic cold and hot water. Samples are tested by our accredited laboratory partners.
What is Legionella?
According to the Maltese Public Health Act any hot and/or cold water system must be tested for Legionella bacteria periodically. Legionella is a freshwater bacterium which
grows readily in hot and cold water bodies such as in spas, pools, cooling waters, showers, and fountains or any water system involving the vaporisation of water. Outbreaks of Legionella bacteria can cause Legionnaire’s disease, which is an aggressive form of pneumonia.
How can we help?
Our qualified and experienced specialists who shall collect appropriate water samples which are immediately sent to our ISO 17025 accredited laboratory
partners, for analysis within 24 hours. Results and certificates are issued within the time allocated by the standard methodology. The outcome of the test results will be carefully evaluated by our experts. This is followed by a consultation meeting with the client in order to discuss the results and advise subsequent actions if necessary.
For any sample results indicating Legionella levels outside the national limit, the client will be advised and guided.