our services

Noise and Vibration Monitoring

With the use of our frequently calibrated specialised equipment we are able to advise on the hearing protection requirements to employees exposed to dangerous levels of noise and vibration as well as consult modification of offices and other establishments to reduce noise and vibration as much as possible. 


Examples of noise and vibration monitoring include:

  • Traffic noise monitoring
  • Noise and vibration monitoring of factories, offices, other establishments.

Our noise and vibration monitoring assessments, are in line with the following legislations and standards:

  • LN 158/2006 ‘ Workplace (Minimum Health and Safety Requirements for the Protection of Workers from Risk resulting from Exposure to Noise).
  • LN45/2002 – Work Place (Provision of Health and, or Safety Signs).
  • BS4142/14 – Methods for Rating and Assessing Industrial and Commercial sound
  • ISO1996-1-2003 IS0-1996-2-2006
  • 2002/49/EC -Environmental Noise Directive
  • Guidelines for the Environmental Assessment of Road Traffic